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Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our list of our most popular questions about our brand, mission, live event and digital community. Don't see what you are looking for? Click here to send the team your question.
What is Renegade Motherhood?Renegade Motherhood is a community and support network designed specifically for moms who are building businesses while raising children. Founded by Jen Morris, Renegade Motherhood is all about breaking the isolation that many moms in business feel by offering a space to connect, share ideas, and grow both personally and professionally. Through our digital community, live events, and coaching, we help moms navigate the unique challenges of balancing motherhood with entrepreneurship. Whether you’re just starting out or are already established, Renegade Motherhood provides the tools, inspiration, and connections you need to thrive in both your business and your family life. Our mission is to create a village where ambitious moms can support each other, find real solutions, and celebrate the wins—big or small—together.
What's your definition of a mother?We believe that motherhood comes in many forms, each one powerful and deserving of recognition. Whether you are a stepmom, bonus mom, adoptive mother, foster mom, grandma, and / or biological mom—you are welcome here.​ Your journey is unique, and your role as a mother is invaluable. We are also committed to building a community that values diversity and inclusion and welcome all moms, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+. ​ Here, every mom is welcome, seen, and celebrated for who you are. You belong here, and your voice matters.
My ‘baby’ is a teenager / adult, can I join?Absolutely. Motherhood doesn't stop just because our kids are older.
How can I contact Jen for speaking engagements or to be a guest on my podcast?Awesome! You can email or click HERE to fill out a quick form. Jen or someone from the team will respond within 2-3 business hours.
I have another question that isn't addressed here.We are happy to answer anything not addressed here. Click here and send it over and we will do our best to respond within three business days.
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